It’s been a long minute since I’ve posted on this blog. Lately, I’ve had an itch to pursue my creative passions, so I’ll be writing here once again.
Let me update you on how I’ve been over the last few years. I’m still a full-time mom, with aspirations of writing, actively working on my craft. I’ve returned to a regular writing and reading practice, and that’s been hard won during the pandemic. I still love listening to podcasts. I dabble in yoga. My ideal day includes a walk in my neighborhood, a trip to the library or farmer’s market, and eating homegrown tomatoes. I am a novice once again in the kitchen, having to adapt my cooking and baking to be allergen friendly. I advise wayward students here and there, and would like to offer my services more widely if anyone needs guidance about higher education.
My kids have grown up a lot! Rory just celebrated his seventh birthday, and is finishing the first grade. He’s a great reader, loves video games and Star Wars, and is doing baseball this season. Iris will be turning three in June. She is fearless when it comes to climbing, and very chatty about all topics from gardening to movies. Both of my kids were diagnosed with food allergies after a couple of puzzling and frightful years. They are otherwise healthy and active, and even though things like cake and ice cream are stressful for us, they give me no guff about eating fruits and veggies.
Nick still works remote for the university, and my next planned post will be all about how we’ve learned to travel with him for extended stays. Despite living in the central valley, Nick’s favorite hobby is mountain biking, and he loves the trails here. He keeps us in batteries and lightbulbs and always has a project or three going on our fixer-upper.
I post on Instagram without much regularity, but you can find me there if you send me a message. I hope you’ll come back soon and check out what else I’ve been working on.